7 Foods that fight with bad breath and maintain your mouth Fresh

Concerned about bad breath after eating Onion or Garlic at your lunch? Particular foods linger in our systems, causing bad breath, and making it difficult for people to conceal what they ate. Certain foods enable you to detour unpleasant breathing. However, if you want to have Good Oral health, frequent dental checkups from Good dentists around you are very crucial. So in this article, apart from Dentist visits, let’s see what foods can be consumed to avoid bad breath. You might have presumably counted these foods to your diet plans. This is for you to understand, that employing this food in your daily diet plans will help to fight bad breath.

Raw Fruits and Veggies

Fresh fruits and vegetables help you produce saliva, which helps keep your mouth clear of odor-causing bacteria. You can also use them as natural toothbrushes while eating since they are rich in fiber.

Adding Apples to this, Apples are the most adaptable fruits of all, it has natural cleansing capabilities, and they also have high fibers both Dietitians and Dentists trust that they are great in breaking down foul odors.


The Good bacteria present in the prebiotic yogurt can help you to combat Bad breath and Nothing is better than a cup of flavored Yogurts. When it comes to breathing fresh yogurts definitely play a vital role. The study involved one group of participants eating approximately 3 ounces of sugar-free yogurt twice a day, compared to the control group who did not consume any yogurt. So consume yogurts with sugar substitutes.


Melons are a great way to cool you and keep your mouth Fresh, it naturally has high water content so it calms your mouth, and segregates saliva flow. Another reason why Melons help you to fight bad breath is due to their richness in Vitamin C.


The cheapest and healthiest way to keep your breath fresh is water. Being adequately hydrated helps to ramp up the saliva.

By simply rinsing your mouth after a meal you can prevent bad breath because bacteria live off leftover food in your mouth. And coming to the most important part, drink at least 3 liters of water a day.

Green Tea

Green Tea has abundant natural antioxidants called catechins. Consuming a glass of green tea daily will help to increase your immunity and fight bad breath.


Several studies have shown cherries can remove the smell of methyl mercaptan, a factor in bad breath caused by foods like onions and cheese.


Our saliva contains an enzyme that breaks down sulfur compounds in the mouth thanks to a compound in ginger called 6-gingerol.

Summing up:

Taking these ingredients helps you in fighting Bad breath, however, if this doesn’t work then you might be severely affected. In that case please check for the Top 10 Dental Hospitals In Chennai and take advice from an experienced Dentist.


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