Protect your kids Teeth early

A parent’s worst nightmare for the care and protection of their child’s teeth. Many things can cause cavities including infections, bacteria and even poor oral hygiene. That is why we want to provide protection for your child’s teeth.

Protecting your kid’s teeth early is important. The earlier you start, the less likely you are to have to deal with dental issues later on in life. It’s never too soon to get teeth taken care of; it will pay off over time and can save you money!

Protect your kids’ teeth early

Your kids’ teeth are still developing and there are certain things you can do to protect them from decay and gum disease early on. Here are some tips:

-Start brushing their teeth when they’re a baby or toddler–around the age of 2 or 3 years old. At this age, they have all their baby teeth but have not yet replaced them with adult teeth (which come in around age 6). This is a good time for parents who want to get started with proper tooth brushing for kids!

-Brush every day for about 2 minutes at a time until your child learns how much time it takes for them to brush properly themselves (usually about 3 months).

-Use fluoride toothpaste formulated especially for toddlers since it’s recommended that children under 6 years old use fluoridated toothpaste instead of regular ones without fluoride compounds added into them like adults do

Benefits of proper tooth brushing

Protecting your kids’ teeth is important. It’s not just about protecting them from cavities, though. It’s also about protecting their overall health and well-being.

Here are some benefits of proper tooth brushing:

-It helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

-It helps keep your kids’ mouths healthy by promoting good oral hygiene habits.

-It builds confidence in children who are learning how to brush their teeth for the first time, or who have never been taught this skill before.


One of the first things a person uses in communication is his “mouth” so parents should note this very important because this the best way to reach and touch our children, to teach them cleanliness and a good attitude toward dental care. Want to know the best kids dentistry? OMR Dentistry is one of the best Dental Hospital In Chennai. Don’t wait start protecting your Kids Oral Health.

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