Reasons why you may have Toothache and How to Treat it?

Toothaches are one of those painful events you probably go through in life. Some toothaches are passing and only last a little while, such as when you have a popcorn kernel stuck in your gums. But on other occasions, a toothache might be more intense or last longer than normal.

What Exactly Is A Toothache?

There are numerous causes of toothache that can be managed with little time and care at home. Others will have you scheduling an appointment to see your dentist as soon as possible.

Here are some of the main causes of toothache:

-Tooth Decay: Decay causes damage to the enamel and can lead to cracks and cavities. In order to prevent this from happening, make sure you brush after every meal and floss regularly. If decay has already occurred, you may need dental help so they can be restored properly.

-Sinusitis: Sinusitis is an infection in one or both of your nose’s sinuses (sinuses are hollow spaces inside your face). This condition affects millions of people each year and often leads to inflammation of the lining around your nose called rhinitis or sinusitis or both depending on how severe it is.

Why Are Toothaches So Painful?

Toothaches are incredibly painful, but the cause of them isn’t always clear.

The pain associated with a toothache is caused by infection or irritation in your mouth. If the infection has spread to your gums, the pain can be intense.

The most common cause of a toothache is infection—or more specifically, an infection that has spread from one section of gum to another. This type of infection may have been caused by bacteria from food stuck between teeth or from bacteria that have found their way into very deep areas within your gums and teeth themselves.

Other factors that contribute to toothaches include dryness or weakness in your gums (this can be caused by medication or other factors), poor dental hygiene habits (for example, not flossing regularly), and injury to your gums or teeth.

Toothache can cause severe problems, so, it is better to have Regular Dental checkups.

PS: OMR dentistry is the best dental Clinic to have Regular checkups

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