03 Apr Things one should know about depigmentation
Do you feel self-conscious about dental deficiencies like the darkening of gums? Is the gum darkening snatching away your beautiful smile? All such things can reduce your self-esteem and confidence. Though, one can go with a solution to get rid of the darkening of gums. It is gum depigmentation which is a dental treatment that eliminates dark gum spots caused due to excess melanin amounts. Typically, there are no signs of poor health associated with the tissues but it might affect your appearance. If you’re also bothered with this, then you can get depigmentation treatment. The ones who wish to restore the mesmerizing smile must consult the professionals only like OMR dentistry for depigmentation surgery.
What is the reason behind gums’ darkening?
One might experience gum darkening conditions due to several reasons. If you’re having bad dental health, it might be a reason behind the dark gum spots when the problem remains for a long time. Some habits like tobacco chewing or smoking also result in affecting the color of your gum. Also, one might suffer from gums-related diseases due to smoking habits. People also notice dark gums occurring as a result of some medication intake.
What do you understand by depigmentation?
Depigmentation is a dental procedure that results in enhancing your gum appearance. Often, patients undergo gum depigmentation to get rid of gum discoloration problems that affect the appearance. With the pigmentation procedure, there’s no effect on the gums or teeth health. If you want to secure your smile and make your gums pinkish without any darkening, it is best to go for depigmentation. With this procedure, you can quickly lighten your gum color.
With the gum depigmentation procedure, one can enjoy several advantages like:
No stitches
Heals in a short time
Color starts lightening from the first visit
Great results with depigmentation procedure
The procedure doesn’t involve any painful process
Safe method
Permanent option for reducing excess melanin production causes
Performed only one time among many patients
Do you get permanent results with depigmentation?
Yes! With a single depigmentation procedure, one can enjoy beneficial results for several years. Even many patients get to enjoy the lifetime benefits of gum depigmentation. Often, some get the best results in just one sitting and don’t need to follow the treatment for long.
How can OMR Dentistry help you with depigmentation?
At OMR Dentistry, our team relies on using advanced methods and technology for gum depigmentation procedures. Most of our patients have experienced excellent results in just one sitting. We have completed many depigmentation processes for our patients with successful results. Our team comprises certified professionals that ensure patients get a healthy treatment and recover from gum-darkening problems. With the natural-looking gums, patients get back their pleasing smiles. With advanced methods and technology, we also ensure that all our procedures are available in an affordable range for the patients.
Are you also suffering from gum darkening conditions? If so, why not book an appointment with OMR Dentistry for beneficial results!
For More: Dental Clinic in Sholinganallur Chennai, Good dentist in chennai
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